Bluff me
Outrageous tales spun from thin air, unbelievable yet genuine life stories. How do you separate fact from fiction and unmask the bluffers from genuine testimonies? That's the challenge audiences and celebrity guests have to face in the ‘Bluff me’ game show. In standup comedy style, 6 individuals take the stage, each having under 5 minutes to recount an extraordinary personal anecdote that allegedly occurred in their lives. A brief Q&A allows everyone to sharpen their lie-detecting skills before locking in their final verdicts. So, are they pulling a fast one or telling the truth? Sprinkled throughout, psychology and neuroscience experts shed light on the telltale signs that can help us sniff out impersonators when someone is facing us head-on. The game show is all about keeping things witty, snappy and original. And anyone can try their luck! The game of separating compulsive fibbers from truth tellers is on. Truth or bluff - you decide!"
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Target audience
- eclectic (7-99 years of age)
- interest in improvisation, stand-up, humor
What makes this game show special?
- anyone can put their acting and showmanship talents to the test
- everyone must confront an audience and gain their trust
- up to what point can guest celebrities surprise their fans?
Contact us for more information on this format
Episode 2