
Vivants, originates from a daring concept: the will to make us see the world from the viewpoint of non-human living beings - be they animals and/or plants. In each episode, a key figure from the world of science or the arts slips into the skin of a species and experiences the metamorphosis by discovering its sensations and way of life. The goal is to make viewers better understand nature and the animal world, the stakes of their survival, and up to what extent they are so essential to our life and to the planet. A surprising, funny and staggering TV experience for sure.
Watch all episodes
The Octopus / The Rat / The Horse / The Spider / The Mushroom / The Pig / The Wolf / The Bat / The Bee / The Raven / The Cat / The Tree > Watch all episodes
Target audience
- eclectic (7-years of age)
- curious
- interest in nature and animals
What makes the show special?
popular science
fun experiences
experts interviews
portrait of a VIP in an unsettling environment
Contact us to get more information on this format.


Alan Roura: The Octopus