Geneva, Oil At Any Price

Geneva, a cradle of human rights, has over the years become a hub of oil trading. One third of the world's oil is traded from the shores of Lake Geneva. But the honeymoon between Geneva and black gold is not without its ups and downs. Gunvor, one of the world's leaders, made headlines in 2019 for corruption in Congo Brazzaville.Roland Chauville and Moke Loamba, Swiss and Congolese human right activists, decide to shed light on this affair. Their investigation will plunge them into a dangerous waltz where lies, intimidation and the wait-and-see attitude of corrupt powers continue to undermine international law.After years of investigation, the company Gunvor, accused of having paid 30 million euros in favours to the President of Congo and his wife in exchange for oil shipments valued at 2.2 billion dollars, was finally condemned by the Swiss authorities to pay a 94 million euro fine. Since then, the oil giant claims to be blameless, although the grip of oil-related corruption persists in Congo. This documentary pays tribute to the activists who denounce, sometimes at the risk of their lives, the impunity of the powerful.
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