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Search Result: Sexuality
They became doctors to heal patients, but ended up falling victim to sexual harassment in the hospital. From crude jokes cracked by all-powerful surgeons in the operating room, to sexual extortion ...
Gisèle Pelicot's courage opened the floodgates for other women to speak out. Through the harrowing accounts of three victims, this documentary lays bare the long road to recovery and the utterly ...
It's a dazzlingly successful social network: with hundreds of millions of users, and 6 billion in sales, Onlyfans allows influencers to sell erotic or pornographic content to their community. Lured ...
Ten years ago, Adeline Morel accompanied an inmate on a therapeutic outing. Fabrice A., twice convicted of aggravated rape, slit her throat. The killer was sentenced to life imprisonment, and joined ...
More and more young girls fall into prostitution. It all starts with a honeymoon and promises of eternal love. But the degree of control and influence exercised by their lover will have them trapped ...
They weigh more than 100 kilos and they are tired of being weighed down on a daily basis, both in the public space and in their intimacy. What is the sex life of overweight people like? The subject ...
Is detransition taboo in the queer community? Why has the debate around gender issues become so controversial? Chloé, Jess, Niki, Fanny and Zora all wanted to transition. Like them, many young ...
Four women and four men are stuck together for a long weekend in a beautiful mountain chalet. Their mission: to live together and talk on the themes that makes people talk today. Questions of gender, ...
The advent of #metoo and neo-féminism has shifted the lines in men/women relationships. This reality mini-series of 2 x 45' brings together, during a long weekend, 4 women and 4 men who don't know ...
Can you be a man without getting an erection? Whether caused by anxiety or a medical reason, erectile dysfunction affects many men, including youth. Because of shame or fear of disappointing others, ...
'There is no cure for who you are'. This is how a psychiatrist sums up how far we've come in recent years with regard to gender dysphoria, i.e. the permanent identification with the other gender and ...
Hugely successful dating apps such as Tinder or GrindR have a dark side: they leave the field open to sexual predators. Encounters that go wrong, sexual brutality, rape, multiple and lasting traumas: ...
They are between 16 and 72 years of age and some of them speak out for the first time ever. Most incest victims, children of silence and pain, use raw and heavy words to speak about child abuse, in ...
The wave of testimonies regarding elite sport coaches' acts of psychological, physical or sexual misconduct continues to flood in and undermine the world of high-performance sport. More and more ...
The golden age of the Internet almost seems a thing of the past for the millions of lonely hearts still looking for a soul mate. While young people massively look for one-night sexfriends on Tinder, ...
After years of battle, Christian, aged 40, married and the father of a girl, became Christine, the first transgender high-ranking officer in the Swiss army. Before her, Claudia, also in the army, had ...
This report shot in Sicily and Nigeria investigates the sex trafficking of young Nigerian women forced into prostitution throughout Europe after being manipulated and bewitched during voodoo rituals. ...
Why are millennials the least sexually active generation in decades? The sexual recession, documented by sexologists for several years, is cause for concern. The blame lies with too much pressure ...
Investigation into the disturbed relations between cops and prostitutes following an unprecedented corruption scandal that shattered Geneva's police forces.. Corrupt police officers are reported to ...
The sexuality of seniors is a taboo subject even though it is of paramount importance in the daily life of retirement homes. There are beautiful love stories, couples come together and share the same ...
Sentimental scams leave in their wake men and women both ruined and sentimentally broken. Bernard dreamed of a tender retirement alongside a young Frenchwoman. Julie thought she had found love with ...
In Europe, more than 20,000 women are victims of human trafficking and forced into prostitution. In this fierce, brutal environment, women are sold as mere pieces of meat by the sex mafia, in Africa, ...
When exactly does a flattering comment breaks up the limits of sexism? How does one say loud and clear what is acceptable and what is not? Is a zero-tolerance policy towards harassment possible in ...
Gestational surrogacy allows LGBT couples to become parents. Only a few couples are willing to set out and go on the adventure. The phenomenon is statistically marginal. It remains nonetheless ...
Over 200 million women are living with the consequences of female genital cutting, a horrific practice that is not limited to remote villages in distant places. As European countries institute ...
The clitoris is the least well known and the least studied organ of the human body. It wasn't even included in anatomy books until the 19th century, as scientists had realized that it didn't play an ...