Battle Of The Sexes At The Chalet (Episode 1/2)

The advent of #metoo and neo-féminism has shifted the lines in men/women relationships. This reality mini-series of 2 x 45' brings together, during a long weekend, 4 women and 4 men who don't know each other, in a chalet up in the mountains. They are all from diffetent generations and in spite of opposite beliefs, they will get to know each other, live together and confront their viewppoints on the issues of gender, sex and seduction. How to define a man, a woman, a non-binary person? What is equality, domination, consent? Regarding gender biases, what can still be said and what is no longer tolerated? Our one-week-end friends will talk, have fun, argue and welcome 3 surprise guests who will, up to a point, shake up their beliefs. Each of them will eventually reveal who they really are.Watch the second episode HERE. Also available: reedited version of both episodes in 90'. Contact-us for more information.
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