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As the first country in the world to provide supervised drug consumption rooms, Switzerland now finds itself powerless against the exploding crack epidemic. Scenes of people openly consuming crack ...
Becoming a doctor has lost its luster. Whether already practicing, still training, or just students, more and more medical professionals are reconsidering their career path. They dream of healing ...
Three years after Russia started the invasion of Ukraine, we went behind the scenes at Kharkiv's opera house, a symbol of cultural resistance in Ukraine. Artists and crew daily struggle to ...
They became doctors to heal patients, but ended up falling victim to sexual harassment in the hospital. From crude jokes cracked by all-powerful surgeons in the operating room, to sexual extortion ...
Gisèle Pelicot's courage opened the floodgates for other women to speak out. Through the harrowing accounts of three victims, this documentary lays bare the long road to recovery and the utterly ...
The Swiss National Bank is a global financial heavyweight moving billions across the board - and occasionally taking billion-dollar beatdowns. Like any central bank, its prime directive is ...
Unmasking long COVID's medical maze, as patients tend to grasp at random any remedies that might work. For Caroline, Gloria, and Aurélie, long COVID upended life itself - and mainstream medicine is ...
Has masculinity become an ideological battle that mirrors society’s deepening fractures? You may have heard about Incels, but what about pick-up artists, MRAs and MGTOWs? All these masculinists ...
Can the wolf cohabit with man? In Switzerland, the summer has been deadly on the mountain pastures. Angry breeders lock horns with officials and are not satisfied with slain livestock indemnities. ...
Can we still eat meat with a clear conscience? Accused of endangering our health and our planet, meat is no longer on the up-and-up. In Switzerland, the government has updated its climate strategy ...
Unsolved crimes or cold cases benefit the ongoing advances in forensic medicine. But in Switzerland, the 30-year statute of limitations that de facto puts an end to investigations often leaves the ...
In the summer of 2023, a tornado of unprecedented violence swept through La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. In just a few minutes, the storm destroyed everything in its path: buildings, forests, parks ...
On February 8, 2024, Qader B. took 13 people hostage on a small provincial rail line in Switzerland. One dead, fourteen traumatized: this is the heavy toll of Qader B.'s descent into hell, an Iranian ...
Could "On Running", the sneaker brand that Roger Federer has teamed up with, hold the prize for greenwashing across all categories? The sneaker success story presents the Cloudneo as the first ...
Five years after the defeat of the Islamic State, 70,000 men, women and children from around the world are still detained by the Kurds in northeastern Syria. The security situation in the camps where ...
This documentary is an immersion into a day care center for young autistic people, the Foyer de Lausanne. Autism is not a disease but a neurodevelopmental disorder. Because of its broad spectrum, ...
Never before had a war provided so many images and testimonies as the one between Israel and Hamas, so much evidence of war crimes violating international humanitarian law. Do the advocates of ...
Veterinarians commit suicide four times more than the rest of the population. According to a recent study in France, burnout is decimating the ranks of the profession. Faced with enormous demands ...
What if the United States were living its last year of democracy? The question is actually less crazy than it may sound. Donald Trump is now in the White House with an even scarier agenda than his ...
Since childhood, they have been helping their father or mother to cope with daily life. Very early on, these children become natural caregivers and take on heavy responsibilities that are not their ...
How to deal with the distressing issue of school bullying? Through the portraits of Siddharta and Amelina, this report lifts the veil on the dysfunctions encountered within the school institution. ...
Losing a loved one inevitably brings pain. Even more so when the countdown is related to assisted suicide. In Switzerland, assisted dying has more than tripled in ten years. Chantal chose it almost ...
Precarious housing is still taboo. Black mould on walls, poor ventilation, confined space is a reality for many. How is daily life like when one lives with no access to a shower, in a caravan or as a ...
Who still believes in the good intentions of Big Tobacco? Puffs are getting young people hooked on nicotine. These disposable electronic cigarettes with a fruity taste are the latest products used by ...
How to account for the courage of people who have saved one or more lives? In the event of someone drowning, getting stabbed or during a terrorist attack. Lassana Bathily saved several people held ...
February 25, 2023, a boat filmed by Frontex is about to sink off the coast of Crotone, Italy. Of the 190 migrants on board, almost half will die, including 35 children. Among the victims was Kenan. ...
Lia, Anouck, Eline and Sébastien suffer from anorexia, bulimia or alternate between the two. Eating disorders are still often taboo, confusing and poorly understood. Yet they are real mental ...
What is detention like for Ukrainian POWs in Putin’s jails? We've met three young women in their thirties, all soldiers in the Azov batailion of the Ukrainian army, who had to surrender when ...
In March 2018, Marta Rovira had to flee her country and take refuge in Switzerland to escape 30 years in prison. Her crime? Organizing a referendum on Catalan independence. An intimate portrait of a ...
Ten years ago, Adeline Morel accompanied an inmate on a therapeutic outing. Fabrice A., twice convicted of aggravated rape, slit her throat. The killer was sentenced to life imprisonment, and joined ...
Exorcists don't just exist in the movies. Beyond the frightening fantasies, we went to meet the men within the Catholic Church, in the evangelical community and an independent healer who all address ...
Is organic food a privilege of the rich? Why isn't organic food more democratic? What are the industry's real margins? Eating organic fruit and green means a healthier, pesticide-free diet. But not ...
In October 2023, the surprise attack by Hamas shocked the world with its power and terrifying scenes. A spiral of violence had already been ravaging the other part of the Palestinian territory, the ...
For survivalists, our world is only bound to collapse. Who are these shadowy activists, convinced that our society is heading straight for disaster? They have no doubt the dystopias of series like ...
Switzerland was once hailed as the 'water tower of Europe'. But due to climate change and blue gold becoming scarce, the water crisis has hit home. Many municipalities have been forced to go back to ...
More and more young girls fall into prostitution. It all starts with a honeymoon and promises of eternal love. But the degree of control and influence exercised by their lover will have them trapped ...
After 18 months of war in Ukraine, the massive sanctions against the Russian economy seem to be ineffective. Private jets and mansions, bank accounts and financial assets: in the hunt for oligarchs ...
Too big to fail Crédit Suisse ended up being carried away by a storm of scandals that precipitated its fall. The Swiss finance giant was forced to be taken over by UBS. It all happened very quickly ...
Using one’s cell phone while driving has become commonplace yet it is a real scourge for road safety. Having one’s eyes riveted on the screen while driving triples the risk of accidents. In ...
Treating depression or addictions with psychedelics may sound mind-boggling. Yet, more and more mental health professionals in Switzerland and Australia resort to hallucinogenic drugs to cure their ...
Who is really Nathalie Yamb, the pro-Putin influencer spreading the Kremlin's agenda on her popular social media posts? What are the links between Yevgeny Prigozhin, Wagner, and Afric, Russia’s ...
They weigh more than 100 kilos and they are tired of being weighed down on a daily basis, both in the public space and in their intimacy. What is the sex life of overweight people like? The subject ...
Is detransition taboo in the queer community? Why has the debate around gender issues become so controversial? Chloé, Jess, Niki, Fanny and Zora all wanted to transition. Like them, many young ...
Into the heart of the war, we followed the lives of three Ukrainian couples, all of whom survived, sometimes miraculously, the conflict that disrupted the lives of 40 million Ukrainians. A chronicle ...
Four women and four men are stuck together for a long weekend in a beautiful mountain chalet. Their mission: to live together and talk on the themes that makes people talk today. Questions of gender, ...
The advent of #metoo and neo-féminism has shifted the lines in men/women relationships. This reality mini-series of 2 x 45' brings together, during a long weekend, 4 women and 4 men who don't know ...
A media star, adulated by sponsors, Mike Horn has been travelling across the globe in search of new extreme exploits for three decades. But who really is the South African-born adventurer? Why and ...
How many pesticides can be found in fruits and vegetables? How are they controlled and studied? What are the real dangers associated with pesticide residues? Eating greens might not be just as ...
How did a mother turn from a helpless victim to a whistleblower in the Depakine health scandal? This anti-epileptic drug, produced by French Big Pharma giant Sanofi, is notoriously known to have ...
When will fully autonomous cars hit the roads? Level 3 autonomous driving has been authorized in Europe, particularly in Germany and France. While international negotiations are moving forward fast ...
Can you be a man without getting an erection? Whether caused by anxiety or a medical reason, erectile dysfunction affects many men, including youth. Because of shame or fear of disappointing others, ...
What if there was an afterlife? How does science apprehend the strange testimonies collected from patients, on the verge of death, who think they have seen the dead. Or from those who, during their ...
Big oil companies, like ExxonMobil or Shell, deliberately covered up the truth about global warming, whereas they had known about the disastrous impact of their products for more than 40 years, ...
Because of rising cancel culture controversies, humorists, comedians and cartoonists now find themselves in a tough spot. The debate around woke has brought culture wars to the forefront of ...
In January 2019, a 22-year-old man was stabbed to death in a Geneva parking lot, his attacker himself barely 18 years old. The tragedy is all the more shocking as the teen murderer was already under ...
When one learns, often in adulthood, that one was born by sperm donation in medically assisted procreation, the news falls like a bombshell. Thousands of people learn that their father is not who ...
All youtubers dream of turning from amateurs to entrepreneurs mingling with the rich and famous, earning big money thanks to product placements and Youtube videos. Nico and Daniela, the couple ...
Is generalized DNA profiling for tomorrow? DNA has been used for nearly 20 years by the police and the justice system to solve serious criminal cases. We'll see how it is done in the field and how it ...
The Russian aggression against Ukraine forced Switzerland, after some procrastination, to set aside its neutrality. Concerned about the country's jeopardized reputation, the Federal Council finally ...
Ever since the war started on February 24, they have tried to manage with courage and fear mixed together. Aleksandr, Svetlana, Andriy, Vadim live in Dnipro, Kiev, Kharkiv or Lviv. They chronicle ...
Based in Chermalyk, Donbass, on February 22, under the shellfire that immediately followed Putin's declaration of invasion, our journalist experienced the explosion of the war on the Ukrainian ...
Switzerland is the cradle of neutrality and international law, yet weapons made in Switzerland can be found in battlefields throughout the world. Open source big data helped us track assault rifles, ...
Switzerland is the cradle of neutrality and international law, yet weapons made in Switzerland can be found in battlefields throughout the world. Open source big data helped us track how the Pilatus ...
How to exfiltrate from the Taliban the young women of the Zohra Orchestra, the only all-female musical ensemble in Afghanistan, whose world-famous success came with their 2017 performance at the ...
This report denounces human trafficking and forced labor in one of the world’s richest capitals: Geneva. Undocumented migrants from Ukraine, Britain, Poland or Macedonia working on building sites ...
Scary fact : 2.2 billion people, i.e. 40% of the world's population, are considered overweight or obese. In Mexico, the figure skyrockets to 76%. Junk food plays the main role in this notorious ...
Anger is building up among women farmers! Out in the country, women have always been numerous to farm the land and work tirelessly on the agricultural domains, a male fiefdom no matter what. However, ...
If stray cats and domestic cats purr perfectly together, their frenetic sexual activity is a bomb-like threat to biodiversity. According to scientists, cat’s slaying of birds, insects and ...
The major international migration crisis at Europe's borders is exacerbating political tensions. This investigation reveals the fierce police repression of the 300'000 Belarusians who demonstrated in ...
Does voluntourism do more harm than good? Teaching English in Nepal, counting elephants in Botswana; paid volunteer missions abroad are very popular with young people. Many of them, full of ...
Hugely successful dating apps such as Tinder or GrindR have a dark side: they leave the field open to sexual predators. Encounters that go wrong, sexual brutality, rape, multiple and lasting traumas: ...
Our journalists investigate a feminicide which, by its violence, shocked the whole country. In October 2019, Christophe Keller slit his wife Melanie's throat before cutting his own. How to explain ...
The prices for second homes in the mountains are skyrocketing. With the pandemic, more urbanites have become aware of their environment and some have make up their mind to get to higher ground. In ...
They're young and have already botoxed them-selves up the wazoo! For the first time in the his-tory of cosmetic surgery, 18-34 year olds out-number 50 year olds in resorting to surgery acts. Relayed ...
How to account for the slow transition toward healthier agriculture as the overwhelming scientific evidence of the toxicity of pesticides is stacking up? Three quarters of flying insects have now ...
Are corpses just like any other commodity that can be sold with impunity? Donating one's body to science after death allows medical research and the training of surgeons to progress. But the ...
How to manage and clean up the toxic dumps and polluted industrial sites that threaten the quality of our drinking water? The river Rhone waters flowing from Alpine glaciers at above 2,000 metres is ...
China’s resolve to become the world’s first superpower has led Beijing to keep weaving informal networks in its attempt to influence foreign political and economic decision-makers in its favour. ...
Buying the life insurance from seriously ill patients in order to make a profit when they die: welcome to the grim reality of the life settlements industry, a financial sector regularly boasting a ...
Who are the new 'witches' that have made their presence felt during the major recent feminist demonstrations or against global warming? Far from the medieval clichés of old age and ugliness, these ...
They are between 16 and 72 years of age and some of them speak out for the first time ever. Most incest victims, children of silence and pain, use raw and heavy words to speak about child abuse, in ...
Global warming is increasingly threatening the security of our water supply. Every summer, the water levels of our rivers decrease drastically. In France, villages now have to be supplied with ...
How and why does one become a jihadist? When exactly does one cross over the tipping point and fall into horror territory? How can a terrorist deny the humanity of those he is about to kill? In ...
He had everything going for him: sumptuous mistresses, despite a sham marriage, the prestige of power over Spain, whose democratic transition he had ensured after Francos's military dictatorship. ...
As a gateway to Europe, the Greek island of Samos has become a hellish journey for thousands of migrants who have no choice but to wait, sometimes for years, for a response to their asylum ...
Ancestral healing therapies resist all scientific progress and healers are overwhelmed by patients requests. By helping us mobilize our self-healing abilities, healers sometimes seem to work ...
Tens of thousands of people across Europe have lost loved ones, sometimes several family members, during the first wave of the coronavirus. Now they are holding their government and health ...
How far can the greed of slum landlords go? This investigation into the living conditions of Filipino workers in Geneva reveals a sordid traffic in which an apartment can be rented by the room at ...
From the 1980s until 2010, the NSA spied through a backdoor in the Solaris operating system that equipped hardware sold by Sun microsystems to countless Swiss companies and universities. Was the ...
As if coming close to death through a NDE wasn't enough, some NDE experiencers come back to life with what they describe as extraordinary abilities. In addition to their disturbing stories, the ...
What if there was an afterlife? What if the disturbing accounts of patients who have had a near death experience were more serious than the skeptics think? Since the 1970s, faced with countless ...
Thefts, beatings, torture, murder sometimes... Violent crimes by teen gang members seem to have gone out of control. Violence is trivialized by social networks that blur the line between real life ...
The number of patients addicted to opioids is skyrocketing in Europe, even though their long-term effectiveness is much debated. The American crisis has raised awareness and many doctors are ...
Disruptive behaviour in schools has become the number one problem for teachers. Restlessness, disrespect and aggressive behaviour is seen in younger and younger kids who mess up kindergarten classes. ...
Does the actual profitability of wind farms live up to the promises of green energy developers? Everyone agrees on the need to supplement our energy mix with green energy to reduce our dependence on ...
The wave of testimonies regarding elite sport coaches' acts of psychological, physical or sexual misconduct continues to flood in and undermine the world of high-performance sport. More and more ...
The golden age of the Internet almost seems a thing of the past for the millions of lonely hearts still looking for a soul mate. While young people massively look for one-night sexfriends on Tinder, ...
David, a sports journalist, received anonymous death threats for a comment on a racist slur he made during a game. So did Carolina, for supporting female sexual liberation on her Youtube ...
Their numbers exploded in the cities during lockdown: food delivery couriers, with their nose alwasys to the grindstone, have seen their working conditions worsen yet again. American meals-on-wheels ...
Our journalists report on the true environmental impact of the plastics recycling industry lying behind the greenwashing of mass market retailers. Late 2018, China stopped importing plastic waste ...
Global warming can have deadly consequences. In the summer of 2019, a French couple on vacation in the mountains lost their 6-year-old daughter Lisa as she was swept away by a mudslide in Chamoson, ...
Where exactly did the coronavirus come from? From an exotic animal captured for the Wuhan pet market? From the P4 lab incriminated by conspiracy theories? Did African pangolins imported into China by ...
They are the new slaves of our societies, whose ageing demography is one of our major challenges. Working 24 hours a day, six days a week for low wages including board and room allowance, migrants ...
Any person assisting or attempting to assist the unauthorised entry of a foreigner in the EU is liable for prosecution. This "crime" has a name: the offense of solidarity. In theory, European ...
After years of battle, Christian, aged 40, married and the father of a girl, became Christine, the first transgender high-ranking officer in the Swiss army. Before her, Claudia, also in the army, had ...
How can children be protected when they getcaught up in warfare during high-conflict divorceor separation? In order to better identify familydysfunctions, justice authorities sometimesrequest ...
Air pollution kills millions prematurely. Road traffic's exhaust fumes are the primary cause of this excess. Whereas over 300 cities in Europe have restricted access to the most polluting cars, ...
Running away from home or foster care leave indelible marks in the emotional and family lives of youth. For teens, it is alwas a cry for help. For their parents, anguish gives way to ...
What is the daily life of the nurses who spend their lives saving the lives of others? How do they manage deal with the stress of every moment, and the lack of time that sometimes prevents them from ...
They present themselves as "shamans", "medicine men" with mysterious healing powers. Some of them do not hesitate to take advantage of gullible Europeans to thrive on a juicy business where therapy, ...
This report shot in Sicily and Nigeria investigates the sex trafficking of young Nigerian women forced into prostitution throughout Europe after being manipulated and bewitched during voodoo rituals. ...
On August 28th, 9 million euros were robbed in an armored van in the suburbs of Lyon. Several months before, the same modus operandi was used in various attacks in Fren-speaking Switzerland. ...
What is the true cost of cheap clothes, a large part of which are now made in Ethiopia? With wages almost ten times lower than in China, Ethiopia has become the new Eldorado of the fasion industry. ...
Who are the animal rights activists calling for an antispeciesist revolution? Over the past few years, they have illegally occupied slaughterhouses, freed animal held in poor conditions, smashed up ...
In Switzerland, too, the number of people fed up with mass tourism is on a constant rise. Nearly 9.5 million tourists went to Lucerne in 2018: an all-time record that tourism stakeholders welcome, ...
Have you ever wondered who will take care of your body after your death? A man? A woman? Maybe you don't care! Anyway, until now, you didn't really have a choice in the almost exclusively male world ...
Crans-Montana has always looked like a duplicate of Monaco, if you replace the beach by the mountains, that is. The wrld-famous resort embodies a certain idea of Switzerland, with prosperity, calm ...
Should the children of the European Isis fighters who have died in combat be flown home? For their grandparents, getting these children out of the Syrian chaos is absolutely necessary.But how can one ...
For many decades, Sri Lanka and Lebanon's stolen babies flooded the adoption market to fill the heart of European would-be parents with happiness. For these children, now adult themselves, seeking ...
Millions of youth worldwide took to the streets to urge their leaders to combat climate change faster. How come the awareness of climate emergency so suddenly took off among Greta Thunberg fellow ...
Our journalists investigate the ethical, social and economic issues related to the commercialization of the human genome. DNA tests claiming to reveal the origins of one's ancestors are all the rage ...
Despite more than a century of feminism and the Me Too movement, machismo is making a comeback among young people. A major study by the University of Zurich reveals that teens today are much more ...
Investigation into the disturbed relations between cops and prostitutes following an unprecedented corruption scandal that shattered Geneva's police forces.. Corrupt police officers are reported to ...
How can we avoid avalanches and put a stop to the increase in mountain accidents? With the growing success of freeride and cross-country skiing, the ending season has been three times more deadly ...
The sexuality of seniors is a taboo subject even though it is of paramount importance in the daily life of retirement homes. There are beautiful love stories, couples come together and share the same ...
Not a week goes by without a woman dying at the hands of her partner. However, domestic violence is not necessarily synonymous with battered women. Men are also concerned and intimate partner ...
The Donbass War is a silent, murderous conflict that has been tearing apart eastern Ukraine since 2014. Women represent nearly a quarter of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the struggle against ...
A dangerous drug for some, a miracle plant for others, cannabis has become a legal and lucrative market on a large scale. So much so that it is now on the stock market via major pharmaceutical ...
How could being an orphan mean forced commitment to psychiatric hospitals for young adults? In Switzerland, in the 1950s, a psychiatric clinic could have one third of so-called "socially ill" ...
It has never been easier to buy your dog online.But a dirty business of dog smuggling spreading allover Europe lies behind thousands of internet ads.The unsuspecting buyers often have no clue ...
Will we ever be immortal? Is living better, healthier, longer lives what science and technology have in store for us in the short run? Paraplegics can now start walking again thanks to exoskeletons ...
How to you survive a violent attack? Victims of rape and homophobic crimes that are interviewed in this report tell us about their slow attempts at inner reconstruction. They also confide in us the ...
Are smartphones destroying an entire generation? Never before has a technology invaded our lives so fast and so completely. For parents, the smartphone has become the enemy. Teens are especially hard ...
It only takes a split second to become a paraplegic. These dramatic accidents often affect young people whose lives are then irreparably disrupted. How can one apprehend the future when one finds ...
It is estimated that one in five people will experience a depressive episode in their lifetime. If no one is safe, women are twice as affected as men. Women and men agreed to talk openly about the ...
Why has the number of caesareans exploded in the past ten years? Is medical necessity always at the origin of the surgeon's decision to operate? Today, the growing number of health conditions related ...
Under the influence of global warming, mountains in the Alps are breaking up, threatening villages located in red zones. The people in charge of mountain security are voicing concerns and imagining ...
Born on the edge of the Amazon, ayahuasca is the new buzzword. Horribly bitter, emetic and purgative, this plant decoction associated with shamanism is more and more popular under northern latitudes. ...
The Pittsburgh synagogue Mass shooting that left 11 dead on October 27 is another tragic evidence that Anti-Semitism is on the rise throughout the world. Our journalist investigated the circumstances ...
Sentimental scams leave in their wake men and women both ruined and sentimentally broken. Bernard dreamed of a tender retirement alongside a young Frenchwoman. Julie thought she had found love with ...
The birds are disappearing fast from our fields and meadows. Slowly, silently but surely. Nearly 40% of the species in agricultural areas are in sharp decline in Switzerland. Experts are deeply ...
They heal burns, eczema and warts, cure shingles and allergies. They're swamped by demand for their services, from patients who have often exhausted the possibilities afforded by conventional ...
Thousands of babies were kidnapped or sold in Sri Lanka in the 1980s. The scandal affected Switzerland and involved private intermediaries, who were little concerned about the origin of the adopted ...
Louis, Jeanne and Agnès are 102, 104 and 105 years old. How did they live so long and stay healthy and young at heart? Our journalists travelled to the province of Ogliastra, Sardinia, one of the ...
In Europe, more than 20,000 women are victims of human trafficking and forced into prostitution. In this fierce, brutal environment, women are sold as mere pieces of meat by the sex mafia, in Africa, ...
Who are the dictators spending surreal amounts of money in Switzerland's most opulent hotels while their people live in abject poverty? For decades, their regular presence has been a mainstay of ...
Our journalist investigate the amazing story of a con artist is the Swiss military. Everyone believed it. Switzerland would compete with the American giants race in the private sector space race ...
When exactly does a flattering comment breaks up the limits of sexism? How does one say loud and clear what is acceptable and what is not? Is a zero-tolerance policy towards harassment possible in ...
Why do so many migrants come on European soil from Eritrea? This exceptional report, shot unescorted in a country considered by many NGOs as one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world, ...
Gestational surrogacy allows LGBT couples to become parents. Only a few couples are willing to set out and go on the adventure. The phenomenon is statistically marginal. It remains nonetheless ...
Thanks to the appearance of low-cost fitnesscentres, everyone's getting into shape, a widespread trend that can find several generations of the same family working out together - and that has seen ...
Can you imagine that a thief, a rapist or any other criminal could be arrested today even before he commits his crime? This sci-fi scenario is already partly an established reality in Los Angeles, ...
This report investigates the third life of our used cars in Africa: the impossible marriage alliance between business, recycling and environment. With the announced death of diesel, the pressure on ...
They're between 18 and 30 years old and their youth has been blighted by mental illness. Schizophrenic, bipolar, depressed, Geeti, Jonathan, Alexandre and Manon are all patients at an outpatient ...
How can you recover from the cancer that'sturned your life upside down when you're afraid it will get you fired? Our journalists interviewed four patients struggling to cope in just that situation. ...
This report combines first-hand accounts andarchive footage to reconstitute the story of the Swiss who led a double life as shadowy soldiers in a Cold War episode that beggars belief. Armed with ...
When a crime is committed, the spotlight is always on the victim and his or her family. But what aboutthe perpetrator's relatives? Their lives will never be the same again either. Dominique Moulinas ...
Over 200 million women are living with the consequences of female genital cutting, a horrific practice that is not limited to remote villages in distant places. As European countries institute ...
This is the second and last episode of our report following the daily life of specialized educators in charge of Pascal, Manuel or Claire. These young people, all of whom have committed crimes, are ...
Juvenile justice usually has to choose between punishing and educating. In Switzerland, judges can do both. Swiss juvenile law requires that young offenders who have dropped out and have family ...
In 2005, the documentary "An Affair Of The Heart" filmed every step of six-year-old Lorena's life-saving heart transplant. Today, Lorena is 17. A fragile young woman, she speaks about life ...
How much would you pay to live six months longer? Once a taboo subject, the soaring cost of endof-life health care and treatment has become amatter for urgent discussion - the last year of life costs ...
Several recent food scandals have made consumers increasingly cautious about what they eat. And public health services are constantly hammering home the message, “Eat well to stay healthy.” So ...
Through the overwhelming testimony of the parents of Laurent Kremer, the 20-year-old young man who was one of the six victims of the Liège massacre, this survey tackles organ donation from the ...
Are we putting our health at risk by constantly bathing in the electromagnetic radiation of relay antennas, smartphones, wifi and connected objects? The medical and scientific communities is deeply ...
How to take a fresh take on French suburbs? Are they really the no-go zones that some politicians thrive on? Last October, an attack of unprecedented brutality put France in turmoil: about fifteen ...
The demons of the past have come back to haunt Switzerland's Catholic Church. Up to 1981, over 100,000 children were forcibly placed with families or in institutions on the pretext that their parents ...
A neo-Nazi storm is gathering over Europe. Seizing on the migrant crisis to come outi nto the open, right-wing, sometimes violent extremists are very active in Switzerland.In Germany, their many ...
Is burn-out to the twenty-first century what consumption was to the nineteenth? It affects all occupations and jobs, with almost one in four employees feeling stressed at work and exhausted at a cost ...
The taboo of farmers' suicide has broken. Families speak out and denounce unbearable working conditions, pressure from mass-market retailers and consumers, legal norms, costly investment, hardship ...
Do you ask your doctor to prove he’s qualifiedwhen you show up for an appointment? Of coursenot. And yet, bogus doctors exist. In this report,the victims of medical charlatans describe theirordeals ...
This portrait of today's best Swiss wrestlers takes us for a memorable journey into a unique sport where tradition, respect and authenticity are king. The Federal Fest is the greatest Swiss sports ...
French-speaking Switzerland shooting ranges attract more and more women. What are their motivations? What are they really attracted by when it comes to weapons? A student, a bank clerk, a security ...