Drug-Facilitated Assault: Survivors Unsilenced

Gisèle Pelicot's courage opened the floodgates for other women to speak out. Through the harrowing accounts of three victims, this documentary lays bare the long road to recovery and the utterly shattering impact of trauma on survivors of drug-facilitated sexual assault. It took Charlotte years to come to grips with her husband having drugged and raped her for four years straight. Barely 21 years old, Andréa was violated by a family friend. Ana, assaulted by her neighbor, had to bury the pain in silence for years before pursuing her attacker. In this appalling case, an incestuous father, above all suspicion, was eventually convicted after preying on relatives, friends and neighbours for over a decade. All three share their battles to overcome the trauma, shame, and regain trust. Their testimonies call for collective awareness and better prevention of these sordid crimes.
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