Youth And Cosmetic Surgery, Cheap, Fake And Fun!

They're young and have already botoxed them-selves up the wazoo! For the first time in the his-tory of cosmetic surgery, 18-34 year olds out-number 50 year olds in resorting to surgery acts. Relayed by the stars of reality shows on social networks, cosmetic surgery has for many youth become as common as tattoos. Breast implants, botox and hyaluronic acid no longer hold any fear! On the contrary, the market is booming, with both high-end specialized clinics and their low cost counterparts, just a plane ride away in Tunisia or Turkey. Such uninhibited surgery acts do not only respond to the injunctions of conformity and the cult of the ego! For some women, their body transformation process is part of a deeper quest for identity and self-esteem.
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