The 2 Million Shot

Our journalists investigate on the €2 million shot that can save children suffering from SMA. This rare, fatal genetic disease has spawned the world's most expensive drugs. But only babies whose insurance pays, and whose parents find the money, will survive. Others will die. Behind the fantastic technological innovation lies the heartbreaking fate of parents willing to do anything to benefit from the injection.This is the cruel story of innovative gene therapy treatments and the hyper-financialization of the pharmaceutical world, which saves the lives of the richest and leaves the poorest die. A story made all the crueller by the fact that these innovations are the product of public research, while the profits are raked in by pharma giants. Will Novartis be the Tesla of the healthcare world? An investigation into the ethical challenges of tomorrow's medicine, whose monopolies are being built today.Behind the fantastic technological innovation lies the heartbreaking fate of parents willing to do anything to benefit from the injection.
Alain Hugi
Isabelle Moncada
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