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The pursuit of athletic perfection: medals, but at what cost? This report dives deep into the worlds of ultra-trailers and elite sports. What perils lie in wait for athletes hell-bent on ...
One has to learn how to heal. And it's not because the medical treatment is considered a success that the patient's journey is over. This documentary looks back on the journey of four people ...
Extraordinary healings that sometimes leave even medical professionals stunned are modern-day miracles for the patients involved. But they're more than just individual remissions - these recoveries ...
Scientific fraud is gaining momentum, threatening to erode the very foundations of knowledge. From blatant plagiarism and cooked data to doctored images, some scientists are willing to cheat to ...
Across the industrialized world, scientists are grappling with the sore in colorectal cancer striking people under fifty, and sometimes under thirty. This alarming trend has left researchers ...
In today's world, the quest for a new eye color is just a blink away, the cosmetic procedure away for the daring. Keratopigmentation is increasingly popular, although to prevent serious health ...
War medicine is about braving death to save lives. Ukrainian health workers wage a relentless struggle to rescue and treat thousands of wounded in extreme conditions. Under the bombs, in the trenches ...
Viruses are increasingly being blamed as the triggers of autoimmune diseases in people with genetic predispositions. For example, multiple sclerosis appears to be a rare complication of infection by ...
Our journalists investigate GLP-1 analogues, the drugs that s said to help anyone shed pounds effortlessly. Touted as miracle drugs for weight loss and type 2 diabetes on social networks, they're ...
Our journalists investigate on the €2 million shot that can save children suffering from SMA. This rare, fatal genetic disease has spawned the world's most expensive drugs. But only babies whose ...
We have a special relationship with our caregivers: the therapeutic relationship. It's a relationship that is studied and learned, and can be either supportive or highly detrimental in treating ...
An estimated 3-4% of adults have ADHD, Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity. Often, it's the parents of diagnosed children who realize that they, too, have been suffering from ...
How to provide care to prisoners? In this rare investigation, our journalist was able to film the nurses and doctors of La Chaux-de-Fonds prison, Switzerland. Prisons are not designed to be treatment ...
Genomic preventive medicine is now a reality. The precision medicine, based on DNA genome sequencing, makes it possible to offer targeted treatments for patients with rare genetic diseases or for ...
Research is now focusing on the microbiota to help treat depression, anxiety disorders or hyperactivity. In case of a porous abdominal wall, microbiota’s billions of micro-organisms are suspected ...
How can ecosystem monitoring be improved to respond quickly to the early stages of a new epidemic? How do scientists scrutinize the hot spots of contamination around the world? This investigation ...
How do children with cancer live and survive the ordeal? Perrine has just turned 3, Sofia and Julia are 14 years old, Ilona has just turned 17. In addition to having undergone chemotherapy ...
At the beginning of 2022, the international nursing home operator ORPEA, listed on the stock exchange, generated negative headlines around the world for a scandal of abuse to the elderly in its ...
What is amnesia and what is it like when our memories are replaced by a black hole? Amnesia can occur at any time. Shirley and Daniela have learnt it the hard way. Nicolas only came to realize the ...
Is Liraglutide therapy the definitive solution that will put a stop to the worldwide obesity epidemic? To this day, overweight and obese people still have to fight hard for acceptance and access to ...
Will we ever live to be 150? And in good health? What do scientists at the forefront of anti-aging research promise us? Will the elixir of youth sought by all pharmaceutical laboratories come from ...
The gigantic business of food supplements stems from a desire shared by us all : that of boosting one's immune system in order to better cope with illness. But the evidence of effectiveness of food ...
A canoe-bike pulling a home-made two-meter long trailer. This is the improbable carriage Felix’s been driving along the roads of France and Switzerlandfor ...
In 2015, the WHO classified meat as "probably carcinogenic". What does the research say today? Can meat quality make a difference, both in terms of health and ecology? What is the value of age-old ...
Parental burn-out is poorly diagnosed and often hidden by parents overwhelmed with shame and guilt. It may seem similar to depression, but it initially affects only the family sphere. Stress and ...
'There is no cure for who you are'. This is how a psychiatrist sums up how far we've come in recent years with regard to gender dysphoria, i.e. the permanent identification with the other gender and ...
More and more teenagers want get an Apollo body fast. They are inspired by models on the web and the social networks, from people who’ve increased their muscle mass fast, and they sometimes injure ...
This documentary tells the story of a metamorphosis. Of a return to life thanks to science, after years of suffering. Yves Auberson was diagnosed with Parkinson's at age 35. 17 years later, his life ...
Why has autism been under-diagnosed in women for decades? Some autistic people have very high IQs. When they are women, their invisibility is increased tenfold because of a paternalistic culture. But ...
What goes on in the mind of small children when confronted all day with masked faces? Since the introduction of face masks in the public space, we communicate with half-faces. This lack of ...
Breathing is the most necessary act of life. Yet pollution and climate change threaten this basic right for all. As temperatures rise, pollinations that used to occur only in spring are now also ...
The use of smart drugs among students is constantly on the rise. What are the risks and benefits of brain boosters on one's health? How can they help your brain make you a better performer? How ...
Every day, we breathe and drink more and more microplastics than we'd ever have wanted. From the tires of our cars to our clothes and cosmetics, microplastics are everywhere. They are even found in ...
The idea of transplanting animal organs into patients to make up for the lack of donors is resurfacing. But how far can we manipulate the living and exploit animals to save human lives? At the ...
Climate change is already a reality. Because of higher temperatures new viruses are emerging that put the most fragile among us at risk. The south of France has been affected by increasingly violent ...
Bypass surgery (RYGB) is the most practised surgery for people suffering from severe obesity. But this solution that guarantees an impressive weight loss also brings about deep upheavals in the ...
Is medical tourism really worth the risk? Many people faced with prohibitive fees for cosmetic surgery in their home country turn to specialized agencies that manage everything – but the unexpected ...
Panic attacks trigger serious physical reactions without any real imminent danger. However, if left untreated, they can become very severe and disabling for those suffering from them. How can ...
Cancer, epilepsy, diabetes: these devastating diseases are mobilizing medical staff around the globe. Today, some researchers are getting help from unusual collaborators: animals. Thanks to their ...
They have received one of the best technical and medical training in the world. However, in the field, paramedics will have to deal with psychosocial situations that do not require emergency kits or ...
Overweight or hypertension are not randomly distributed in our cities. On the contrary, they cluster in specific neighbourhoods. Geomedicine proves that individual responsibility is not everything. ...
Our journalists investigate into the controversial biobank sector. In 2019, 250,000 European families who thought they were protecting their children from rare genetic diseases by entrusting their ...
Being exposed to too much screen time early on may cause serious consequences on the development of preschool-aged children. Delayed language acquisition and behavioural ssues are regularly observed ...
The therapeutic interventions of Vincent Humbert's case, in France, has left its mark and highlighted the importance of advance directives. This signed document can be unsettling as it details what ...
Eating disorders are constantly on the rise. Unlike obesity, binge eating disorder does not involve any compensatory strategy after overeating. This morbid passion for food led the French tv host Guy ...
Could music be used to strengthen our brains? A major neuroscience study, conducted between Geneva and Hanover, purports to prove the incredible benefits of music on our health. By using imaging to ...
Antibiotic resistance is, according to the WHO, one of the most serious threats to global health. Multidrug resistant bacteria modify our microbiota and the environment. They are responsible for the ...
A year ago, the global revelation of the "Implant Files" showed how Health authorities across the globe have failed to protect millions of patients from poorly tested implants. Since then, the ...
Early puberty has become a very worrying public health issue of late. Our journalists headed to Copenhagen, where endocrinologist Anders Juul has been documenting the phenomenon for years. Pr. Juul ...
How can we combat the sedentary lifestyle that is slowly killing our society? Sitting still for too long is now a major public health issue. Nearly 70% of the population is reportedly weakened by ...
Why are millennials the least sexually active generation in decades? The sexual recession, documented by sexologists for several years, is cause for concern. The blame lies with too much pressure ...
As more countries are rushing to prepare the commercial launch of 5G, the unchartered territory for 5G mobile networks has become a concern for a growing proportion of the population. However, 5G ...
What if hypnosis could revolutionize hospital care ? The natural method that used to be controversial makes it possible to drastically reduce the dose of chemical anesthetics. In Yverdon, ...
France has decided to stop reimbursing drugs for Alzheimer's disease. For numerous medical studies show that these molecules have a very disappointing effect or no effect at all on patients. But how ...
Although LSD is associated with the hippies of the 70s, the drug was actually discovered in Switerland... The first psychedelic trip occured at Sandoz in Basel in 1943! The chemist who discovered the ...
Scientists have now found the missing evidence proving that nature does heal humans. Whether in the Japanese forest bathing or in the therapeutic garden of the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, ...
Faced with the growing success of vaporizers, the tobacco empire strikes back. With IQOS, Glo, Ploom, etc., cigarette companies have found a way to sell both tobacco and electronic devices. But are ...
What are the therapeutic benefits of fasting? Clinics and wellness centres offering cures are multiplying! Intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular of late. But how does it compare to the ...
More and more people are immersing themselves in the cold to benefit their health. How could exposing one's body to such cold temperatures could be beneficial? Diving in an icy lake or entering ...
Can living in an overly sanitized environment bad be detrimental to health? Are we overburdening our immune system by chasing germs from our environment? Our journalists investigate.
The incidence of chronic IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) has exploded worldwide. Why? According to researchers, the growing amounts of additives used in processed foods bear the brunt of the blame ...
At age 20, Delphine had a car accident and has been suffering chronic ankle pain ever since. His multiple ankle fractures were mysteriously not diagnosed immediately at the hospital. It was only ...
This report tackles vaccine scepticism, a movement prompting a growing number of parents not to have their children vaccinated. Leaving behind mistrust and the sterile debate on the pros and cons ...
How to allow end of life patients to die at home but in an institution? Tara's home, in Switzerland, offers patients and their families personalized support with attention and consideration that are ...
Acute mountain sickness is as much a problem for experienced alpine climbers and mountaineers as for tourists on a trekking tour. Symptoms range from simple headaches with nausea to complications ...
This report looks at the green gold rush of legal cannabis, or CBD. Since becoming freely available in Switzerland, the medicinal virtues of CBD – anti-inflammatory, painkiller, stress reliever – ...
What are the dangers associated with the thousands of chemicals found in our daily cosmetics? Endocrine disruptors, suspected of causing many diseases, have been identified as major polluters. We now ...
Discover keto and low carb-high fat (LCHF), two diets that are about to shatter traditional nutritional recommendations. The research is unequivocal: it's sugar that makes you sick, notfat! Diabetes, ...
Let's take look back on the history of cardiac transplantation with Swiss expert René Prêtre. How has the life of heart transplant patients really changed over the last 50 years? The tragic story ...
The clitoris is the least well known and the least studied organ of the human body. It wasn't even included in anatomy books until the 19th century, as scientists had realized that it didn't play an ...
Telling your name, answering the phone or going out for shopping can turn into a nightmare for stutters. For Morgane, Philippe and Estéban, the most casual of conversations is an ordeal. Are ...
Learn all about two extreme diets that have nothing in common through this portrait of two families: in this corner, the Paleos, who eat meat at every meal; in that corner, the Vegans, who boycott ...
Thanks to social egg freezing, or oocyte cryopreservation, women can now delay motherhood. I'll have a baby if, with whom and when I want to! could become the rallying call of an entire generation ...
While tobacco prevention has reduced the number of smokers, youth continue heavily to fall into tobacco addiction. The industry is thus doing all it can to seduce this strategic age group. ...
What happens to the anatomical waste used in hospital medicine? Placenta, biopsy, biological samples: who do they belong to? How are these tissues stored or disposed of and what is their legal and ...
Half of the violent deaths are considered natural deaths and remain unnoticed by the justice system! Many accidents, suicides or even murders are never brought to justice as they are wrongly ...
With over 4 million patients developing a health care acquired infection. every year in Europe, hospital-acquired conditions have become a major public health problem. How can such infections ...
What is it like to live with endometriosis? Twoyoung women speak about the distress causedby this complex disease while a medical scandalbrews in the wings. With its controversial recommended doses ...
The life expectancy of people with Down's syndrome has dramatically increased over the century. Advances in medicine have made it possible to move from a life expectancy of 9 years in 1900 to 35 ...
Prenatal screening for Trisomy 21 is a technological advance that also presents parents with an extremely difficult ethical decision: should the pregnancy be terminated? Nine out of ten couples opt ...
Mindfulness meditation is the new trend that is about to convince official medicine. Neuroscience studies now prove that meditating can transform our brain. Well-being programs with a heavy emphasis ...