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Search Result: Timeless
Has masculinity become an ideological battle that mirrors society’s deepening fractures? You may have heard about Incels, but what about pick-up artists, MRAs and MGTOWs? All these masculinists ...
Buying the life insurance from seriously ill patients in order to make a profit when they die: welcome to the grim reality of the life settlements industry, a financial sector regularly boasting a ...
Who are the new 'witches' that have made their presence felt during the major recent feminist demonstrations or against global warming? Far from the medieval clichés of old age and ugliness, these ...
Climate change is already a reality. Because of higher temperatures new viruses are emerging that put the most fragile among us at risk. The south of France has been affected by increasingly violent ...
Bypass surgery (RYGB) is the most practised surgery for people suffering from severe obesity. But this solution that guarantees an impressive weight loss also brings about deep upheavals in the ...
Ancestral healing therapies resist all scientific progress and healers are overwhelmed by patients requests. By helping us mobilize our self-healing abilities, healers sometimes seem to work ...
Is medical tourism really worth the risk? Many people faced with prohibitive fees for cosmetic surgery in their home country turn to specialized agencies that manage everything – but the unexpected ...
How far can the greed of slum landlords go? This investigation into the living conditions of Filipino workers in Geneva reveals a sordid traffic in which an apartment can be rented by the room at ...
As if coming close to death through a NDE wasn't enough, some NDE experiencers come back to life with what they describe as extraordinary abilities. In addition to their disturbing stories, the ...
What if there was an afterlife? What if the disturbing accounts of patients who have had a near death experience were more serious than the skeptics think? Since the 1970s, faced with countless ...
The golden age of the Internet almost seems a thing of the past for the millions of lonely hearts still looking for a soul mate. While young people massively look for one-night sexfriends on Tinder, ...
David, a sports journalist, received anonymous death threats for a comment on a racist slur he made during a game. So did Carolina, for supporting female sexual liberation on her Youtube ...
After years of battle, Christian, aged 40, married and the father of a girl, became Christine, the first transgender high-ranking officer in the Swiss army. Before her, Claudia, also in the army, had ...
Immersion into the dark and blurred world of men and women who challenge their visual disability through skiing. Some are blind from birth or following an accident. Some only perceive vague shapes, ...
This report shot in Sicily and Nigeria investigates the sex trafficking of young Nigerian women forced into prostitution throughout Europe after being manipulated and bewitched during voodoo rituals. ...
Have you ever wondered who will take care of your body after your death? A man? A woman? Maybe you don't care! Anyway, until now, you didn't really have a choice in the almost exclusively male world ...
Nearly 4,000 exoplanets have already been found since 1995, when astrophysicist Michel Mayor discovered 51 Pegasi b, an extra solar planet located 51 light-years away from the Earth. Questions ...
Our journalists investigate the ethical, social and economic issues related to the commercialization of the human genome. DNA tests claiming to reveal the origins of one's ancestors are all the rage ...
Will we ever be immortal? Is living better, healthier, longer lives what science and technology have in store for us in the short run? Paraplegics can now start walking again thanks to exoskeletons ...
Are smartphones destroying an entire generation? Never before has a technology invaded our lives so fast and so completely. For parents, the smartphone has become the enemy. Teens are especially hard ...
Sentimental scams leave in their wake men and women both ruined and sentimentally broken. Bernard dreamed of a tender retirement alongside a young Frenchwoman. Julie thought she had found love with ...
The birds are disappearing fast from our fields and meadows. Slowly, silently but surely. Nearly 40% of the species in agricultural areas are in sharp decline in Switzerland. Experts are deeply ...
As part of the New Silk Road agenda set up by Xi Jinping, the « The Iron Dragon » embodies the revival of rail freight transport through the economic cooperation between various Eurasian ...
This report tackles vaccine scepticism, a movement prompting a growing number of parents not to have their children vaccinated. Leaving behind mistrust and the sterile debate on the pros and cons ...
Louis, Jeanne and Agnès are 102, 104 and 105 years old. How did they live so long and stay healthy and young at heart? Our journalists travelled to the province of Ogliastra, Sardinia, one of the ...
Gestational surrogacy allows LGBT couples to become parents. Only a few couples are willing to set out and go on the adventure. The phenomenon is statistically marginal. It remains nonetheless ...
Can you imagine that a thief, a rapist or any other criminal could be arrested today even before he commits his crime? This sci-fi scenario is already partly an established reality in Los Angeles, ...
Over 200 million women are living with the consequences of female genital cutting, a horrific practice that is not limited to remote villages in distant places. As European countries institute ...
In 2005, the documentary "An Affair Of The Heart" filmed every step of six-year-old Lorena's life-saving heart transplant. Today, Lorena is 17. A fragile young woman, she speaks about life ...
Are we putting our health at risk by constantly bathing in the electromagnetic radiation of relay antennas, smartphones, wifi and connected objects? The medical and scientific communities is deeply ...